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When Menstruation is irregular, these three yogasanas will reduce the problem

Due to the fast paced lifestyle now there are many problems with menstruation. Maybe someone is worried about too much bleeding, but in some cases the cause of the problem is less bleeding. Many people have problems with irregula…


Due to the fast paced lifestyle now there are many problems with menstruation. Maybe someone is worried about too much bleeding, but in some cases the cause of the problem is less bleeding. Many people have problems with irregular menstruation. All these types of problems can be reduced by regular yoga. Those who have problems with irregular menstruation, they can put these few yoga exercises in their daily exercise.


Lie on your back. Now breathe slowly. Now bend the leg backwards and hold it with the hand near the ankle. The weight of the whole body rests on the abdomen. After staying like this for 20 seconds, lie down on your back again. As a result of this yoga, the genitals are straightened, abdominal fat is shed, and the spine is straightened. The body in this seat looks like a bow.


Sit on your knees. Shoulders and knees should be parallel. Now move the body backwards and hold the ankle. Slowly bend the whole body, including the head. Hold for 25 seconds and return to the previous position. You can do this seat to reduce abdominal pain and reduce the problem of irregular menstruation.


Lie on your back. Then bring the legs together. Keep the palms of the hands straight and close to the mouth. Now lift the upper part of the body by breathing slowly with the weight on the palm of the hand. Now extend the neck as much as possible. Leave a few minutes and go back to the previous position. This seat is very useful for the genitals of the body. It also helps increase blood circulation.

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