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Here are 7 ways to lose weight without eating

There are various diets for instant weight loss: Fat First, Military Diet, Egg-Apple Diet - You can find many types of popular diets through the net. However, none of this is possible in the long run. Not only is it difficult to …


There are various diets for instant weight loss: Fat First, Military Diet, Egg-Apple Diet - You can find many types of popular diets through the net. However, none of this is possible in the long run. Not only is it difficult to diet, some of them are quite expensive and you will suffer from malnutrition for a long time. However, it is possible to lose weight without following any diet. If you can reduce 100 calories a day, you can lose 1-2 kg of weight every year. Find out how.

Close the knot by tying the time

Long ago, mothers and grandparents used to lock the kitchen door after dinner. That lock would open again in the morning. You take that approach too. Quit eating in the middle of the night. No matter how much you watch Netflix at night, don't eat chips-popcorn with it. At night our metabolism rate decreases drastically. So it takes time to burn the calories. Get up in the morning and go to the kitchen again. And start the day with healthy snacks.

Take control of the clown house

Or in this era, how many people live in a separate clown house? However, in the event of a lockdown, we are all buying more food at home and storing it. Choose the healthiest option when shopping for months. The less food you have in your collection like cookies, cakes, chips, the less calories your body will burn.

Take a good look inside the fridge

Do you have plenty of cold drinks, sodas or packets of fruit juice bought from the market in your fridge? These are the most dangerous for weight gain. Instead, make detox water, drink lemon-honey syrup, and choose fresh fruit juice. Calories in the body will be reduced automatically.

Measure the leaf sort

To control weight, reduce the amount of rice and bread and increase the amount of vegetables, salads and protein. There is no need to manipulate too much. Instead of one and a half cup of rice, one cup of rice should be taken with a little more curry. Must eat with yogurt and salad. Even if you have protein at lunch or dinner, try to keep protein at snacks. If you are hungry, eat boiled eggs with yogurt or peanut butter with dry fruits or if you don't have time It will get protein in the body and will also help reduce calories.

Choose a low calorie option

Eating a salad but with a heavy cream or cheese dressing? Choose an extra virgin olive oil dressing instead. When eating mayonnaise or cheese, choose things made with low fat milk. Eat with Hamas or Salsa instead of Cheesy Dip. These small tricks will be great for weight control.

Take off your feet

How often do you walk every day, or how many times do you walk? Pedometers are no longer needed. Most smartphones have the advantage of measuring how far you walk. It is ideal to walk 10 thousand feet a day. Health will be good, weight will be lost instantly. However, even if it is not possible, if you can walk 6 to 8 thousand times a day, you will get a lot of benefits.

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