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Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way

Is the child not able to do any work properly in the morning? Is there a lack of attention to study? Does the child lose his temper when he has to do something more than once or twice? The cause of this problem is not getting en…

 Is the child not able to do any work properly in the morning? Is there a lack of attention to study? Does the child lose his temper when he has to do something more than once or twice? The cause of this problem is not getting enough sleep at night. As there are online classes from home, the children are also getting mobile phones. As a result, bad habits of playing games on mobile while lying in bed at night are developing. Instead of nutritious food at home, which is good for the body, the child wants to eat more outside food. You are also lost, what to eat! All of these factors are affecting sleep. It is important to feed the baby certain foods every day so that he can sleep properly.

1) Kids love to eat eggs. Whether the eggs are boiled or the egg omelette is fed to the baby with rice or bread. Eggs contain a type of amino acid called tryptophan, which helps in the production of serotonin. This serotonin results in darker sleep. In addition, if a nutritious protein like egg is included in the diet every day, the child will develop physically.

2) Milk gives adequate nutrition to the body of children. If milk is not good to eat, you can mix it with any health drink. Eating hot milk before going to bed is good for health. Everyone, young and old, can drink warm milk every night before going to bed for a good night's sleep. Milk also contains sufficient amount of tryptophan, which helps in the production of serotonin and melatonin. This results in deeper sleep.

3) Kids just like to eat sweets. So you can feed them dates. Dates contain potassium and vitamin B-6, which are good for good sleep. Feed the baby 4-5 dates every day, sleep will be better.

4) Put fruit with food on the breakfast table in the morning. It is best to keep bananas. Because bananas contain a lot of nutrients, which is very important for the baby to eat regularly. In addition to tryptophan, it contains a lot of magnesium. As a result, playing banana makes sleep darker.

5) Feed the baby gram. Chhola contains vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which helps in the production of serotonin. Feed the gram with the turnip. Or if you mix it with a little onion, you have to eat it delicious.

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