Mumbai Police's Crime Branch is investigating a pornography case involving Bollywood actress Shilpa Sethi's husband Raj Kundra. In this investigation, a secret cupboard has now been found from Raj Kundra’s office in Andheri.
According to several Mumbai Police sources, the Crime Branch has found a secret cupboard in the offices of Vian Industries and JL Stream in Andheri area of Raj Kundra. That being said, police have recovered some important documents from this cupboard. The crime branch also investigated Shilpa and Raj's house in Juhu before Raj Kundra's office. Officials also recorded Shilpa's statement after questioning him for a long time.
Recently, actress Shilpa Sethi was also questioned. He said in a statement that he had nothing to do with making hot shots or pornographic videos. Shilpa further said that there is a difference between porn videos and erotica and the agency the police are talking about was run by his brother-in-law, not Raj Kundra.
Raj Kundra has applied to the Mumbai High Court for bail. Raj Kundri's lawyer has said that Raj's arrest is illegal and the videos that the police are talking about are not pornographic videos. The Mumbai High Court will hear Raj Kundri's bail application on Monday, July 26.
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