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Learn how to remove stretch marks

Both puberty and pregnancy increase the risk of stretch marks in the body. In addition, stretch marks can appear on the body even if the skin changes shape or accumulates a lot of fat. He may have lost weight, but stretch marks …

 Both puberty and pregnancy increase the risk of stretch marks in the body. In addition, stretch marks can appear on the body even if the skin changes shape or accumulates a lot of fat. He may have lost weight, but stretch marks appeared on the part of his body that prevented him from wearing the clothes of his choice. This problem will not go away overnight, but in some home remedies the scars will gradually disappear.

Sugar and lemon juice

Rubbing sugar in place of stretch marks will cause exfoliation of the area. Mix 1/2 cup coconut oil or almond oil well with 1 cup sugar. Then add a little lemon juice. Scrub the stretch marks for ten minutes with this mixture. Apply this mixture while bathing. Can do several times a week.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera can remove any stains. It will also soften the skin of that part. So apply pure aloe vera gel on the stretch marks. Applying aloe vera gel in this way after bathing every day will gradually remove the stretch marks.

Yogurt and raw turmeric

Raw turmeric is very beneficial for the skin. So mix raw turmeric with yogurt. Now apply on the stretch mark. If you apply the rules every day, the stretch marks will fade.

Coconut oil

There is no pair of coconut oil to remove any blemishes on the body. In addition, coconut oil keeps the skin well. Any skin wound can be healed in less time with coconut oil. Applying pure coconut oil in place of rose stretch marks will be beneficial.

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