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Know what to do when a crab bites

One of the most dangerous animals is crab, the venom of the crab is very dangerous. After his bite, a burning sensation began all over his body and his victim began to suffer badly. There are some small but great remedies that ca…


One of the most dangerous animals is crab, the venom of the crab is very dangerous. After his bite, a burning sensation began all over his body and his victim began to suffer badly. There are some small but great remedies that can save you from crab poison.

There is a medicine called Cilicia 200, keep 5 ml of its liquid at home. This medicine should be given one drop three times on the tongue at intervals of 10-15 minutes. When a crab bites, it has a sting, leaving it inside that hurts. Getting this sting out is not an easy task, take the one who is bitten to the doctor, he will cut the skin, make an incision, then take it out, there will be bleeding for it.

This medicine is a great medicine that you will give three doses of it, one drop every 10-15 minutes and you will see that the sting will come out on its own. In just three doses you can cure the patient in half an hour. This medicine is made from Silicia 200 soils, it is river soil, where there is some sand, this medicine is made from it.

There are also uses of this medicine, such as if you work on a sewing machine, sometimes the needle gets crushed and gets stuck inside, then if you take this medicine it will bring out the sweetie. Or if a thorn, a glass gets stuck, a bee bites, you can use this medicine in all of these things.

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