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Are you getting tired these days? Are you not facing lack of iron in the body !!

It has been raining incessantly all day. And with that you also want to sleep with a sheet? I think I feel lazy because of the weather. In fact, the truth may be something else. Although iron deficiency is seen in the body, fatig…


It has been raining incessantly all day. And with that you also want to sleep with a sheet? I think I feel lazy because of the weather. In fact, the truth may be something else. Although iron deficiency is seen in the body, fatigue comes down in the body very little. You are not having any problems?

If you look at the food and drink, you will understand what the matter is. Some days it may take a while. But if Rose wants to stay in bed all day, that's a difficult thing to do. Iron is needed to reduce fatigue. If the body feels tired every day, then you have to change the diet. Eat foods that contain a lot of iron. Find out which foods are high in iron.


Apart from seafood like crabs and shrimps, any fish contains a lot of iron. So keep fish in your daily diet.


Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds are very useful for running the mouth when you are hungry. Again, if you don't like to eat it by mouth, you can give it in any salad or dal-tarkari.


Lean protein or chicken contains a lot of heme iron. Which our body can digest much faster than ordinary iron.


Eat green vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce, broccoli. However, if you want to eat this type of vegetable in the rainy season, you have to wash it well. You can soak it in water for a while. Or you can lightly steam it and give it to salads. Do not eat raw vegetables.

Dry fruit

A handful of dry fruit works great to bring vitality to the body. In the afternoon you can eat dry fruits like almonds, raisins, walnuts, pesto, dates with tea.

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