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The wife's feet reveal the secrets of the husband's future, how to find out.

A person's life can be determined on the basis of his facial expressions and physical constitution. According to marine scriptures, a woman's feet tell many important things about her husband's future. It is well know…


A person's life can be determined on the basis of his facial expressions and physical constitution. According to marine scriptures, a woman's feet tell many important things about her husband's future. It is well known that every woman has many special lines and marks on her feet that give different kinds of signs. It is believed that if a woman has a chakra, flag or swastika mark on the soles of her feet, the person who will marry her will be lucky.


According to oceanography, if a line of the thickened part of the bottom of a woman's foot goes upwards from the side of the toe, then that woman is considered auspicious for her husband. On the other hand, if a woman's toe does not touch the ground, it is a bad sign to become a widow at a young age. Where there is a lotus or umbrella mark on a woman's ankle, it means that the woman's husband will succeed in politics.



On the other hand, if a woman's toe ring is longer than her toes, index finger and thumb, it means that the woman may cause some special concern for her husband. On the other hand, if a woman's big toe and middle toe are approximately equal in length, her husband may face financial constraints. If a woman's ankles are round, soft and attractive, it means that this woman has a beautiful life.



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