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The arrival of these dreams indicates going to the hospital

According to the dream scriptures, people have a deep relationship with dreams. During dreams we live in a different world. We also see things that have nothing to do with real life. But these dreams give us a lot of clues about …


According to the dream scriptures, people have a deep relationship with dreams. During dreams we live in a different world. We also see things that have nothing to do with real life. But these dreams give us a lot of clues about the future. According to the dream scriptures, every dream must say something, in which case you just have to understand its meaning. Today we will tell you about such a dream,

Which signals you to go to the hospital. These dreams indicate that your health will deteriorate in advance.


See yourself applying oil, ghee or milk to your body: According to the scriptures of dreams, if you see yourself massaging your body with oil, ghee, yogurt or milk in your dreams, you are likely to get a serious disease in the future.




Seeing red sandalwood planted: If you dream of a person planting red sandalwood, meeting a scary person, it may be a sign of some indigent disease in the future. According to the dream scripture, if you see red sandalwood planted in your dream, it may be an indicator of some incurable disease in the future.



It is evil to see a woman laughing and singing in a dream. If you have such a dream, you should be careful and avoid any negligence.



Seeing someone's corpse in a dream: Seeing a corpse in a dream is considered completely inconsistent. According to the scriptures of dreams, if a person sees someone's corpse in a dream, it means that he may fall ill soon. In addition to these, if you dream that your hands, feet, nails are broken or your hair is falling out, it means that you have to go to the hospital.




If you dream of applying milk and honey paste on your body, it means that you may get sick soon.

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