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Marriage is coming! Take this remedy, to avoid ecological errors

Ecology has given the right directions and rules regarding the construction and maintenance of everything. If the rules of the ecosystem are not kept in mind, ecological errors occur due to which negative energy starts flowing in…


Ecology has given the right directions and rules regarding the construction and maintenance of everything. If the rules of the ecosystem are not kept in mind, ecological errors occur due to which negative energy starts flowing in the house. At the same time, problems in life begin to come and progress is hindered. Ecology has said something like this, you can be successful by removing negativity from home. Also, your destiny may change and happiness and prosperity are spread by removing trouble from home. There are many people who have to face many problems with marriage. Some boys and girls are too old to find a suitable mate.

In such a situation people start to find some deficiencies between boys and girls, however

Ecology can also be a barrier to marriage. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. By taking this step, you will soon be married.

Flowers are very important to increase the positive energy in the house. But never put green trees or flowers in the bedroom. According to Bastu, flowers, plants and vines symbolize the elements of wood, which, if placed in the bedroom, hinder marriage.

Married girls should keep a painting of flowers in their house. Flowers are a symbol of beauty, love and romance. Applying flower paintings in the drawing room of the house started to bring good relations for married girls.

According to Bastu, worship Shiva with devotion to get a good husband. If possible, fast on 17th Monday.

 Keep the west and west corners of the house clean and tidy. This increases the flow of positive energy in this direction, which increases the chances of a good relationship.

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