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Do your toes not touch the ground? Find out what it means.

Our forefathers wrote many such scriptures and myths on the basis of which the nature and future of a person can be determined, one of these scriptures is oceanography. According to this, many important things can be determined b…


Our forefathers wrote many such scriptures and myths on the basis of which the nature and future of a person can be determined, one of these scriptures is oceanography. According to this, many important things can be determined by observing the physical constitution and organs of a person. The good and bad signs of the limbs are mentioned in this scripture. Let's find out about some of the special good and bad signs associated with organs.


If the smallest toe of a person's right foot does not touch the ground and is always high, then such a person is deceived many times in life. With this kind of finger, when bad times come in the lives of men and women, the people close to them leave them.


People whose eyelids are too thick do not get emotional stability. Such people somehow prove their selfishness.


Those whose noses look like parrots, they succeed in everything. These people understand the minds of others. They get royal happiness.


If a man has hair behind the thumb of his hand, it is a good sign. Such people have a sharp mind. This is considered an ominous sign in the case of women. Such a woman has to face sorrow in life.



People whose feet are soft and pink get all the comforts of life.


If the soles of a person's feet are black or gray, it is considered an ominous sign. Such people work hard all their lives.


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