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An African city where blacks can't live, it's just a place for white people!!

In the middle of South Africa, on the banks of the Orange River, you will find Orania, the only white-collar town known as Afrikaana, inhabited by descendants of 16th-century Dutch inhabitants.

Orania is a city in the Northern Cap…


In the middle of South Africa, on the banks of the Orange River, you will find Orania, the only white-collar town known as Afrikaana, inhabited by descendants of 16th-century Dutch inhabitants.

Orania is a city in the Northern Cape of South Africa. Officially established in 1991, the city was built in the last years of apartheid, where it was supposed to be a safe haven for Africans. They are ethnic groups originating from Europeans who are colonialists in South Africa. They speak their own language, African.

The town has facilities such as shops, hair salons, a library, a post office, a hotel, a few schools and a church.

Orania also proved to be the answer for the Africans who ruled the country for many decades.

 City leaders insisted that Orania was a misunderstanding. "We are not against blacks. We are ourselves," their message.

Blacks can't stay here even after so much. Oranians, however, feel that the city exists as a cultural project rather than a racial one.

Since only Africans are allowed to live and have the opportunity to work there is an attempt to preserve African culture and this is not a racially motivated exclusionary strategy.

Even ordinary jobs are run by poor white workers. The city already has its own currency.

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