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A woman discovers a terrible thing in her new home.

She survives on social media to share what a TikTok user has discovered in his new apartment, and what he discovers is awesome. His discovery was shared on Facebook by a media outlet known as Ladbible.
According to the lady, when…

 She survives on social media to share what a TikTok user has discovered in his new apartment, and what he discovers is awesome. His discovery was shared on Facebook by a media outlet known as Ladbible.

According to the lady, when she found out that someone had died in her newly acquired apartment, she didn't really bother. However, she was surprised when she decided to sweep the floor in her apartment and it looked like a crime scene.

An outline of a body was painted on the floor of the apartment. A case number and the exact date of the incident were written on the arm of the outline.

Her followers took to the comments section to share some of his advice. Some people think that his house should be resold immediately, while others think that it is a chicken pulled by the previous occupants.

One of her followers asked her to get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and sprinkle it on the spot to make it look like a crime scene. In fact if someone is killed there, the spot will explode. The lady took the advice and made the decision.

She was seen in the video with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She sprinkled on the clean side at first, there was no foam. The floor foam started when he sprayed the mixture on the scary place.

Her fans urged him to leave the apartment immediately and advised him to check properly before paying for an apartment to avoid such nightmares.

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