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Learn some information about denim clothing

Denim or jeans made from it. Considering the demand, there is no other garment nearby. Again, from the current trend to the classic, retro, street, urban, casual, new normal in almost all genres, the presence of this dress is eve…


Denim or jeans made from it. Considering the demand, there is no other garment nearby. Again, from the current trend to the classic, retro, street, urban, casual, new normal in almost all genres, the presence of this dress is everywhere. That being said, the demand for denim clothing has not diminished in the last half century. There is a saying in the fashion world about denim: Denim is always a good idea.

Because, denim fits everywhere in any environment, season or arrangement. But simply put, the main reason for its popularity is its diversity. And denim manufacturers use a number of techniques to enhance this diversity. Such as wash. Wash is most important in denim or jeans design. Trendy designs are enhanced by different types of washing.This washing again has a few steps. As in one step only the cloth is cleaned, in the other step the color of the denim is determined by dyeing. Again, wash is also used only for design. There are usually three types of wash - natural, acid and bio polishing. And this wash has many processes. However, dry and wheat — these two processes are more popular all over the world.

Stone wash: Stone wash is one of the most used and widely used process to create a vintage look in denim. Stone is usually washed with pumice stone. This wash is especially used in indigo denim. Because, stone wash is more popular to bring a bluish color by removing the dark blue color of indigo denim.And this color of jeans is the most popular in the fashion world. Pumice stone was discovered in the late seventies to speed up this wash.

Acid wash: Acid wash is probably the most used wash in denim design. This is mainly done with chlorine and water. This basically changes the color of the denim garment. It was once thought that a jeans jacket would not be popular without an acid wash. In this case different chemicals are used.

Enzyme wash: Enzyme wash is a kind of biochemical process. There are mainly two types of enzyme wash. One. Acidic acid enzymes, two. Neutral enzymes. During enzyme wash, the enzyme first attacks the projecting fiber and then the hydroxyl by attacking the fabric yarn.Enzyme wash uses soda ash, sando clean powder, bio detergent, softener, sodium bisulphate and some other chemicals. This wash makes the jeans softer and softer, the color lasts longer, the durability increases.

Rubber Ball Wash: Rubber Ball Wash is also called Softener Wash. In this process, heavy and rough cloth made of denim is made soft and supple.

Hot wash: The use of ready-made clothes often causes shrinkage. Hot wash is usually used to avoid this shrinkage of clothing. And hot wash should be done before making clothes. It is noteworthy that if a garment has to be sprayed with Garments Dye, Cold Dye, PP, then the garment has to be given a hot wash before it is made. Otherwise the elasticity of the garment may be lost during or after use.

Silicone Wash: When a denim fabric or jeans garment needs more softness, silicone washing method is used.

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