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Find out how much protein you need to take in a day for health

You must know that the amount of food you take on the dinner plate should be a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals for you. Because having a balanced diet is very important for your health. However, taking extra vitamin…

 You must know that the amount of food you take on the dinner plate should be a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals for you. Because having a balanced diet is very important for your health. However, taking extra vitamins and minerals can also harm your health. It contains a protein. Protein is very important for our body. It plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of cells in the body. But it is important for you to know how much protein you should eat in a day. At the same time, it is important for you to know why eating too much protein is bad for your body.

Here are 4 reasons why protein is essential for the body:


1) Protein is very important for bones, muscles and skin.

2) Protein is essential for the formation and repair of body tissues.

3) In red blood cells, protein is a compound that provides oxygen throughout the body. It also fills the lack of essential nutrients throughout the body.

4) Did you know that about half of the dietary protein you consume goes into the formation of enzymes. It also helps digest food and make chemicals in the body.

Find out how much protein the body needs in a day:

The amount of protein varies in the body. According to health experts, a man needs 56 grams of protein a day, and a woman should eat about 48 grams of protein a day. However, there may be differences in protein content for gym passengers, weight gain and for bodybuilders.

These problems are due to excess protein intake;

Waste can be a problem

Those who consume high protein may have difficulty digesting it. Because protein takes time to digest. It also puts pressure on your digestive system.

Lack of energy and feeling tired:

If you increase the amount of protein in your diet, you will lose carbohydrates and fats. Protein takes time to digest.

Diarrhea may be:

Excess protein intake has an effect on the digestive system, which can lead to diarrhea. At the same time there is a lack of water in the body.

Weight gain may be:

One thing you need to take care of when taking protein for weight loss. In fact, if you do not exercise the muscles to lose weight, the extra protein accumulates in one place in the body in the form of fat. It increases weight instead of weight loss.

Kidney problems can be seen:

Excess protein intake can lead to kidney stones. So avoid eating too much of it.

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