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Learn why you should not eat spicy food before exercise

Everyone knows that exercise on an empty stomach can do harm. Similar measures are also taken. Eating too much is not good again. As a result, most of them have got into the habit of eating light before exercising. But that is no…


Everyone knows that exercise on an empty stomach can do harm. Similar measures are also taken. Eating too much is not good again. As a result, most of them have got into the habit of eating light before exercising. But that is not all. You need to know what kind of food you eat before exercise can cause problems.

Recent research is warning everyone about this. London-based nutritionist David Weiner told the country's media that it is important to think carefully before starting exercise. So that the body is in full swing during the exercise. This is why it is often forbidden to eat any food with too much sugar before going to the gym.

This time it is said that you should not eat too much salty or spicy food in any way before starting the exercise. Crisis can occur when there is pressure on the abdomen during exercise. Salty foods can also increase stomach irritation or pain. So if you want to eat salty food, it is better to eat it all the time after exercise.

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