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Learn the properties of papaya leaves in curing diseases

Besides papaya fruit, its leaves are also very beneficial for health. These are used medicinally in Ayurveda. You may have heard about the use of neem, basil, aloe vera, mint leaves for natural therapy but now another leaf with …

 Besides papaya fruit, its leaves are also very beneficial for health. These are used medicinally in Ayurveda.

 You may have heard about the use of neem, basil, aloe vera, mint leaves for natural therapy but now another leaf with medicinal properties has been added to this list and it is papaya leaf. Yes, it has been used in Ayurveda for many years but it is being used a lot nowadays for the treatment of dengue. Papaya fruit is effective in dengue, but its leaves are also proving to be very effective. It is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of many serious diseases. Many diseases can be kept away by eating papaya leaves every day.

Use like this

 Take papaya leaves and wash them well in water and grind in a mixer. Now filter it through a sieve You can store it in a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge. Drink it after it cools down.

It cures these diseases

 Dengue- The number of platelets due to dengue starts declining rapidly. The platelets begin to feel like a breakdown of the body due to a decrease and high fever. If papaya leaves are eaten in such a situation, the number of platelets increases rapidly. Papaya contains many important nutrients such as alkali, papain, which also boosts the body's immune system.

Malaria- In Ayurveda, papaya leaf juice or extract is also used to cure malaria. Papaya leaves have plasmodestatic properties that help control malaria fever.

Strengthen the digestive system

 Papaya leaves contain papain, chimpanzee and many other essential fibers that keep the digestive system healthy. If it is eaten, problems like flatulence, heartburn, sour stomach, feeling of indigestion and constipation are eliminated.

Keeps the liver healthy

 Eating papaya leaves lowers cholesterol levels in the body and also purifies the blood. Controlling cholesterol also reduces lipid peroxidation, which helps keep many liver-related diseases, such as jaundice and liver cirrhosis, at bay.

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