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Learn how to cure a heart attack

Every year, 3.7 million men and 3.4 million women die of heart attacks in the world. One in 4 deaths is due to coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease. Which is basically the result of atherosclerosis.
What is atheroscler…


Every year, 3.7 million men and 3.4 million women die of heart attacks in the world. One in 4 deaths is due to coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease. Which is basically the result of atherosclerosis.

What is atherosclerosis?

The term atherosclerosis comes from atherosclerosis. Athero originally came from atheroma. Fatty material or fatty substances accumulate in the arterial wall. Then the walls of the arteries become thick. As a result, the lumen of the arteries narrows and blood flow decreases and the arteries become stiff. This condition is called atherosclerosis.

Simply put, if a fatty plaque causes blood flow to the arteries to be restricted; This condition is then called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis refers to degenerative changes in the arteries of the heart, the coronary arteries.

However, atherosclerosis can occur in any blood vessel in the body. Peripheral vascular disease is called hand-foot disease. If the body has excess LDL cholesterol; It then accumulates in the blood vessels and forms atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries results in decreased blood flow or obstruction of blood flow. And wherever blood flow decreases; Oxygen transport there is reduced. This is because oxygen is circulated throughout the body when mixed with hemoglobin in the blood.

Ischemia is when the supply of oxygen to a tissue in the body is less than the demand. If the oxygen supply to the heart is reduced; This condition is called ischemic heart disease.

Heart attack

The two blood vessels between the heart and the right and left coronary arteries play a special role in keeping the heart muscles active. These coronary arteries accumulate fat if the blood circulation is obstructed; This condition is called coronary artery disease. This condition is also called heart block. Atherosclerosis is the thickening and hardening of the arteries due to fat accumulation. Atherosclerosis can cause blood clots to rupture at any moment. If blood clots inside a blood vessel; Then the blood circulation is obstructed. The result is that if blood cannot circulate in the blood vessels of the heart; In that case the heart muscles do not get oxygen. Without oxygen, the tissues of the heart begin to be damaged. If the heart muscles cannot give moderate oxygen; Then the tissues of the heart are damaged. Which is called myocardial infarction or heart attack in the language of medical science. Failure to turn on the blood supply very quickly at this time can lead to immediate death. The patient may experience severe chest pain with shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and severe pain in the neck, arms, back, or chin. Symptoms of ischemic heart disease:

It is very important to check your blood pressure regularly. In most cases, because the blood pressure is not measured, the patient may die suddenly of a heart attack. In some cases, the following symptoms occur:

1. Chest pain on the way back. Shortness of breath 3. Chest pain after eating 4. Chest pain if a little tension 5. Dizziness and headache 6. Neck or arm pain 6. Causes of nausea or vomiting ischemic heart disease-

1. High blood pressure or hypertension II. Excess fatty foods such as beef, eggs or trans fat foods, etc. 3. Cigarette smoking or jorda etc. 4. Obesity or excess weight 5. Alcohol and soft drinks 6. Not doing enough exercise 6. 6 not to do physical work. Always lying down etc.

Complications due to ischemic heart disease-

1. Heart attack can be 2. May cause brain stroke

Complications due to ischemic heart disease-

1. Heart attack can be 2. May cause brain stroke


1. You have to quit smoking. Blood pressure must be controlled. It is important to keep the weight according to normal BMI. Excess fatty foods should be avoided and salt should be eaten less. Exercise should be done regularly. Need to do normal physical work. Medical:

1. Lifestyle needs to be modified and regular exercise is needed to lose excess weight.

2. Blood pressure must be controlled. That is why regular blood pressure control drugs should be taken regularly as per the advice of the doctor. Medicine cannot be omitted without the advice of a physician.

Medication should be taken on time. In addition, any complications should consult a doctor. If you have chest pain, you should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately.

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