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Know that buying these foods is not unknowingly increasing the risk of diabetes

Many are doing office work while managing their homework. Can't bar while cooking. Someone is living alone in Atimari again. Not wanting to cook separately for yourself. So the tendency to buy packaged food has increased. No …


Many are doing office work while managing their homework. Can't bar while cooking. Someone is living alone in Atimari again. Not wanting to cook separately for yourself. So the tendency to buy packaged food has increased. No problem, the food is ready in no time. But many of us do not understand that all these packets of food contain sugar and salt. Which are extremely harmful to health. Especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic. So be careful before buying these foods when you go to the market.


It is not possible for many people to make breakfast in the morning rush. Many people choose to eat it with cereal milk. But all these market packet-filled cereals have false colors, lots of sugar and in some cases false flavors. All of these are extremely harmful for diabetic patients. So be careful when buying cereals. Read the packet carefully and see what ingredients are there. Oats, nuts, seeds - choose this type of option.


Crackers that look like thin biscuits are now found in many places. If you are hungry, it is not bad to put them in a chutney or dip and eat them. These are especially convenient to eat while working in the office. But these are made mainly with flour, salt and sugar. Flour refined into flour. So there is nothing left of the nutritional value of flour. When buying crackers, check to see if any whole grain flour crackers are available. Or you can choose oatmeal or ragi flour cracker.

Snack bar

Protein bars, energy bars — various packets are arranged in rows in different department stores. But these are not as healthy as they are advertised. Before buying, read the material written on the packet well. Where there is no added sugar, or no flour, you can buy them. It is better to buy fruits than this type of food. Eat when you are hungry.

White bread

The white bread is at the top of the glycemic index because it is made of flour. This means that the amount of fiber is less. So this food is not very healthy for diabetic patients. However, many types of bread are now available. You can buy whole grain flour bread. Or buy oatmeal bread or low-carb bread.

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