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Include these things in your diet to get rid of acidity in a natural way

Acidity- This problem is caused by eating and living a bad life. Most people have gas problems due to eating too much sour food, eating too much spicy food, drinking less water and sitting in the same place for a long time. If yo…


Acidity- This problem is caused by eating and living a bad life. Most people have gas problems due to eating too much sour food, eating too much spicy food, drinking less water and sitting in the same place for a long time. If you have gas problems, include some things in your diet. It can give you relief from this problem.


If you want to get rid of acidity in a natural way, include watermelon in your diet. Watermelon contains a lot of fiber which keeps the waste good. It also helps digest food. In this case, if you want to get rid of acidity in a natural way, start eating watermelon today.

Cucumber will relieve:

Who doesn't like to eat cucumber. There are many people who do not eat cucumber without salad. But did you know that eating cucumber can relieve the problem of acidity? Cucumbers contain plenty of water which keeps the body hydrated. Eating cucumber in summer keeps the body hydrated. Playing it helps to eliminate acid reflex acidity.

Drink coconut water:

If you suffer from gas, include coconut water in your diet. Drinking coconut water in the morning detoxifies the body. Which will get rid of the gas problem. Coconut water is rich in fiber and antioxidants.


Bananas will also solve the problem of acidity. Eating bananas will help you a lot in gas problems. Bananas contain acid reflux. It also contains nutrients like calcium, iron, antioxidants and potassium. All these ingredients lower the pH level and control the acidity problem.

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