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Follow these ecology tips to create a bright future for your child

According to Bastu, we have some special tips or rules for building a house, such as which way the bedroom will be in the house or where the kitchen will be, etc. Then the happiness and peace of the house is maintained. Similarl…

 According to Bastu, we have some special tips or rules for building a house, such as which way the bedroom will be in the house or where the kitchen will be, etc. Then the happiness and peace of the house is maintained. Similarly, there are some special rules for building a house for a child.

Is your child very naughty? Inattentive to study? Doesn't  listen to you?

Isn't ecology responsible for this? Building a children's home in violation of ecology can harm your child. So read carefully from the beginning. So what are the eco-tips for Jenin's children's home.

1) The most suitable place for children's house is the east side or north-east side of the house. Never place the house on the southwest or south side.

2) The children should sit at the reading table facing east. And the table should be placed in the east-west corner of the room.

3) Children's reading books, notebooks, pens, that is, all reading equipment should be next to the table.

4) Children should sleep with their head facing east in the bed. You should not sleep with your head facing south.

5) If your child's house is on the north-east side of the house, put a light pink curtain on the light and if it is on any other side, put a light purple or blue curtain. As a result, the child's mind is calm and his character is very good.

6) The color of the child's room should not be too deep. Otherwise, the mind will not sit on the child's studies. The light color keeps the head cool and as a result the mind stays in the study.

Following these few tips will never be an obstacle in your child's life and even if he does, he will be able to overcome them and move forward.

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