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Find out what kind of allergies can occur in the rainy season

1. Skin Allergies: Skin allergies increase in the rainy season. Where the level of pollution is very high; Moving there can increase allergies in the patient's body. It is very common for clothes and shoes to get wet during t…


1. Skin Allergies: Skin allergies increase in the rainy season. Where the level of pollution is very high; Moving there can increase allergies in the patient's body. It is very common for clothes and shoes to get wet during the rainy season, which later turns into an allergy hotfeed.

Raincoats, jackets and gloves made of cheap synthetic materials also increase the risk of fungal infections due to skin contact. As a result, different fungi reach different folds of the body such as knees or elbows. This causes allergies.

2. Hyperpigmentation: Another common allergy during the rainy season is hyperpigmentation. Which causes dark patches on the skin, especially the face. Melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) in the skin, usually when exposed to direct sunlight; Then hyperpigmentation occurs. Since the sun is not always visible in the rainy season, this allergy is caused when it is suddenly exposed to the sun.

3. Acne and eczema: The risk of acne and eczema increases in the rainy season. Humidity and changed weather can cause itchy skin, redness, acne and eczema. With proper treatment, skin care can take a long time to heal. However, if you have more problems, you can definitely take the advice of a dermatologist.

4. Facial folliculitis: It is seen in the rainy season, the hair follicles in different parts of the skin become inflamed. Which is known as folliculitis. Folliculitis usually occurs in the arms, thighs, back and forehead. Excess moisture, sweat, dehydration cause fungal and bacterial infections in the body. This causes facial folliculitis on the skin. It is possible to prevent such allergies by controlling sweat, taking regular baths and keeping the skin dry.

5. Mold allergies: Allergic fungal infections can occur in the rainy season through wet walls, closed houses, water or food. Mold allergies can lead to skin infections and even asthma.

6. Fungal Infections: In the rainy season, fungal infections occur between the fingers and toes. Which is called athlete's foot. Sweat or wetness in the water causes sores on the toes. This results in itching, burning and pain. The infection is not limited to the legs but can spread rapidly throughout the body.

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