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Does Panchamrit really make you sick? Verify integrity.

You all know that Panchamrit offerings are also given in temples and homes. Because the offering of Panchamrit is considered to be the most auspicious and beneficial. But did you know that drinking Panchamrit also has many benefi…


You all know that Panchamrit offerings are also given in temples and homes. Because the offering of Panchamrit is considered to be the most auspicious and beneficial. But did you know that drinking Panchamrit also has many benefits for the body. Panchamrit is made by mixing milk, curd, honey, ghee and basil leaves.

Adding basil leaves to it regularly can prevent serious diseases like cancer, heart attack, diabetes, constipation and high blood pressure.

 Just as we bathe God with Panchamrit, bathing ourselves also increases the vigor of the body.

 Playing Panchamrit keeps the body strong and completely disease free.

To make Panchamrit you need-

 500 gms yogurt, 100 gms milk, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp ghee and 8 to 10 basil leaves. Panchamrit made by mixing with this ratio is considered to be very effective. If desired, 50 grams of sugar can be added to it for sweetness. Almonds and saffron can also be added to this prasad.

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