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Do you also wear black thread on your legs? But know these 4 things

Black thread has special significance in black magic. According to black magic, black thread has this property, it absorbs all kinds of negative energy and has no effect on the wearer. According to Tantra or black magic, black th…


Black thread has special significance in black magic. According to black magic, black thread has this property, it absorbs all kinds of negative energy and has no effect on the wearer. According to Tantra or black magic, black thread not only protects you from the evil eye but it also changes your destiny. Let's find out the miracle remedy of black thread.

According to Tantra, one should go to the nearest Hanuman temple on Saturday or Tuesday evening, remove the vermilion from the idol of Hanuman on a black thread and put it on the black thread. Then tie this thread to the main door of the house. This will keep the evil forces away from your home.

The black thread should be tied directly to the wrist, this will remove the problems related to your business and will also open the door to success.

 By tying this black thread on the legs of the children, they are protected from the evil forces and the health of the child is also good.

 If there is any black thread on the feet of Hanuman in the temple or in the temple of the house, then by untying that thread and wearing it, one can get rid of the disease.

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