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Find out the benefits of molasses and cumin by eliminating health problems

Cumin and molasses are mostly used in people's homes. When the time comes, both of them work as medicines. These two mixtures can be used to prepare such water which can reduce many kinds of health problems.
How to make molas…

 Cumin and molasses are mostly used in people's homes. When the time comes, both of them work as medicines. These two mixtures can be used to prepare such water which can reduce many kinds of health problems.

How to make molasses and cumin water

 Put two cups of water in a container. Then add one teaspoon of molasses powder and one teaspoon of cumin. Boil it for 10 minutes. Filter it and drink it when it is lightly heated.

Relief from headaches: If you are suffering from headaches, then drinking molasses and cumin water will definitely benefit you. Also, if you have a fever, it also relieves you from it. Removes toxins from our body, which strengthens our immune system. It helps our body fight disease.

Eliminate stomach ailments: Problems like constipation, gas, flatulence and abdominal pain can be benefited by drinking molasses and cumin water. With this, these diseases gradually end. This mixture of cumin and molasses keeps your whole body healthy and clean and acts as a natural body detox.

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